
21 05 2011

Yesterday I saw PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES. I’ve seen all four of the movies, but this one is the second best, I think, after the first.  It’s much better than the last one.  Johnny Depp is still wonderful as Captain Jack Sparrow, but the character is not quite as light or quippy as in the past, and the whole movie is darker; in fact, it’s not for little kids.  There are some scenes that Ithink would be really, really scary for them, and there is a lot of violence (of course, it is a pirate movie)  The story is simple – three competing groups are off to find the fountain of youth, one of which is led by Sparrow.  Along the way they meet all sorts of impediments – the other groups, vampire mermaids, zombies, strange supernatural happenings, and the like.  It’s all a lot of fun, and the 137 minutes fly by; I couldn’t believe it was over already.  Depp is perfect as Sparrow; he has the character down to a T.  Penelope Cruz is gorgeous and makes a good foil for him, as it’s questionable what side she’s on.  Geoffrey Rush is back as Jack’s nemeis, Captain Barbossa, and Ian Mc Shane is wonderful as Blackbeard.  The love interest between a young pirate and one of the mermaids is interesting.  The sets and props are fantastic, as are the studnts and special effects.  The movie has gotten some bad reviews, but I really liked it and give it a socks up 7.9.



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